Friday 8 May 2015

We are fortunate

It's really different how you think when you are a child than when you are an adult! When I was a kid,  I used to travel in public transport buses with my granny whenever we had to go out. I literally hated it because the bus used to be overfull with no space to breathe! So, while waiting for the bus at the bus-stop with my granny, I used to watch every passing vehicle thinking how cruel they were for not even noticing us, leave alone offering a lift to our destination! And now when I travel in a car, how many people have I ever given a lift to?

It was just one thought, and may be there are millions of them persisting in this world. A person who has not taken food for the whole day might be somewhere there, thinking about people like us who have enough food to waste, than to offer him a bite. A person who has run out of drinking water might be carving for a little help from the one who has bathed twice a day. A person who has lost everything in a natural calamity might wish if somebody could adopt him as a family member and make  him feel safe. An aged man in an overfull bus might wish if a young person could offer him his seat. These are just a hand full of thoughts, may be in reality there are thoughts which are even beyond our imagination. 

One incident that is very close to my heart- My father had gone to buy vegetables and I was waiting in the car. Meanwhile, I saw a man who was purchasing something from the diary and a street dog was following him with his tail wagging as if the dog wanted the man to feed him. I thought the man will throw a stone on the dog for disturbing him, as most others do in such a case. But something really opposite happened. The man fed the dog with milk in the vessel he had brought along. The dog relished the milk. I thought I loved dogs so much but never ever thought of feeding street dogs with milk. Sometimes mercy alone cannot do, we need to come out of the think zone to materialise our thoughts. 

We often spent all our lives in trying to make them more luxurious, more prosperous. We never give a little thought over life of others who might be awaiting our help. Helping is always confused with monetary help but it is not the case! A little food that we don't wish to eat can eliminate somebody's hunger. Our little saving of water can give somebody water to drink. It is not something we have never known, but we have never cared because we have just heard even if not seen. If ever once you will come across these people, you will understand how fortunate we are and being so, it is our duty to help them.