Tuesday 17 February 2015

A Ramp to death

Out of the total number of people who die unnaturally, a major proportion comes from road accidents.
I am sure this logistic is not something that you might have come across for the first time but the irony is that we have never taken it seriously. But why?
What bothers me is that people don't want their own safety, something absolutely absurd!
Most of the accidents I inspected, had the following causes-
First, "NEGLIGENCE"- either of the two involved in the accident. Now the question is why people are negligent? Because they are never asked to be alert. Tell me how many of us, when started to learn to drive, were introduced to roads as a serious element? Apart from explaining the traffic rules, it is never inculcated in us to follow them in every circumstance. And just stating it as an instruction does not serve the purpose.The backdrop against the instruction also needs to be explained, like if you drive at the wrong side, how difficult it will be for the person coming at a high speed to balance a sudden encounter.

Second, the teenagers think of roads as a "RAMP" to showcase their automobiles, flaunting their speed and beautiful faces, impressing the crowd who would not even notice the person who is driving. Why do they risk their life for such an immaterial and illogical happiness? I know peer-pressure is profound but not unavoidable if the person is smart enough to distinguish between what is right and what is not.

I blame it on the upbringing. If they were made aware of the consequences of even one wrong move on the road, they would have been more alert while driving.

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