Wednesday 18 March 2015

The Superheroes

If Superheroes ever existed in reality, then surely they would have been like the domestic helpers in our homes. Sounds a bit funny but it isn't!
 Have you ever counted the number of times a day you call out the name of your maid for petty things? And how they always accomplish each and every task you assign without any hesitation within a fraction of second with the same enthusiasm and energy. I always wonder how these people remain so energetic and that too all 365 days of the year!

I have an obsession for cleanliness, so I clean my home on my own at least once in a week targeting the areas where the maid possibly doesn't reach out. What happens after this hunt is that I come up with a hell lot of dust bunnies from the backside of the furniture. This angers me as to why she cannot take care of these accumulating dust bunnies?

Once, our maid took a little longer on holidays, a week. Unfortunately, it was my winter vacation and I had to take the responsibility of cleaning up the house. The first day, I very enthusiastically cleaned the house covering every corner and furniture. It took about two hours to complete the whole work and I was terribly tired. The next day, I decided not to take the corners and furniture and keep it simple because it gets very tiring and that day I had to wash the utensils also. While washing the utensils, I felt a bit uneasy. Uneasy because of the leftovers on the plates. I then realised how it feels to be a servant! What she might feel about her life that she had to do all this work for all her life without any scope of improvement in the living standard. 

It had happened so many times that whenever I fell sick, my parents ask me to take leave from the college and take rest. But when these domestic helpers fall sick, they still come to work because one day leave means no food for the day.The indispensable need  of money drives them to work. The irony of the life is that the one who does the maximum physical work gets the minimum of the money. Look at the labourers, domestic helpers, peons and many of such kind!

We cannot help out monetarily each and every such person but we can surely give them respect for the work they do for us which can make them feel proud. Proud of being a helper without whom we cannot live comfortably.

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