Sunday 27 September 2015

Yoga caught in the 'wave'

Rolling through the pictures of the yoga day to complete the assignment given by her strict teacher who wanted nothing but an interesting original story, Prachi's  eyes glued to two pictures which pushed her into a deep pool of thoughts. The first picture was that of fat cops and bureaucrats performing yoga as a part of the record breaking event. For her, that picture was representing the fat obese Indian population which can do anything from pin making to rocket science except for adopting healthy practices. Every 'concerned' Indian always plans to follow a healthy diet and exercise  regularly. He even starts it but could not carry it for more than two days. Considering our unhealthy lifestyle, one gets amazed by such a show off. Lets not talk about the whole country for now. Will those 35000 people who helped our country to make a world record practice yoga all their life? Or even a year?Then what purpose has that day served?

The second picture was that of our honorable Prime Minister who looked extremely happy, satisfied and proud during the event. Prachi could easily make out what must be going in his mind. He must be wondering that today the whole world is watching India, the country which gave yoga to the world is so enthusiastically celebrating the first International yoga day which was the idea of its PM who is so considerate about the country's tradition. Such a large number of countrymen have gathered to take part in the event  which symbolizes India's rich cultural heritage. India has set an example for the world to follow which is our 'soft power'. Apart from what all is credited to India's profile, my profile is also incremented with this record. The world , all Indians and my lovely media will always remember me by this celebration. Its good that I used to practice yoga because of which I was able to perform today. Every single picture on the Internet, newspaper and other modes of communication will surpass through me. That's a real achievement and what I call Modi's magic. 

The two angles of the event are clearly visible. It is not something new or the first time that we are deceived. We have seen it so many times that doesn't bother us anymore . It will be humorous to reveal about how many people of those 35000 people went by their own will and not without any compulsion. Apart from capturing world's attention to India, what has our PM done to enforce yoga in our society or has he left it on us by just performing yoga for a day with thousands of people to motivate us. What will the newly appointed yoga minister and his ministry do? Do we need a separate ministry for yoga? What will be its power? When will these questions be answered? Or the event has got over now and yoga fever is out of our minds? There was a world yoga day already in place but on Modi's insistence now we have 'International Yoga Day'. God! What an idea. 

Today about two billion people of the world are doing some form of yoga, and it should grow more especially in India where lies its origin. But the sad part is that nothing can be done peacefully here. May be that is the charm of the Indian democracy but the problem is that the opposition is meant only to degrade the work conducted by the government. They fail to work for the countrymen which just happened in the case of yoga day also. They spoke against yoga in terms of Hinduism and Islam but did not counter argued for the need of compulsory yoga training to all people instead of such drama.

In the end, yoga day was another such publicity stunt which our PM has carried out since he came to power. But what is to be scrutinized is the public memory which will analyse these stunts in the next general elections.


  1. Baba Ramdev ko mention nahin Yoga Minister :))

  2. The minister is someone other than Ramdev 😛
