Sunday 19 July 2015

First Friend

While I was watching two siblings playing in my neighbourhood, I recalled my first friend and the journey of our friendship. It was not perfect but it refined and today it is a lovely reality. Yes, I am talking about my sibling- my elder brother. 

Like every other sibling, we both had a competition of being loved more by the family and for this we never used to miss any chance of complaining about one another and winning favours. Once  we both were going on a bicycle ride, my brother was riding it and I was sitting at the back. He was driving very recklessly as a result of which I fell on the road. My knees were bruised. He was terrified foreseeing scolding. I was adamant to get him good beating for this. He tried to bribe me saying that he will give me toffee if I didn't complain, I agreed. He took me to our terrace secretly and gave me first aid and toffee. I ate it and when we came down, I started crying and complained about him for the injury. He had a good scolding for it. Shrewd me, but till then our relationship was not so friendly.

Slowly and gradually, we started playing together. Though like every other brother, he forced me to play cricket and I was always given bowling or fielding which I used to hate. We both went to the same school. School was a place where I actually felt that he was my brother. Among the crowd of strangers, he was my family. I was always relieved while going to school because I knew he was there every time. Though, we fought in every game we used to play at home but outside whenever I used to get "out" in a game,  he would give excuses on my behalf saying that I am a "kachchi ghodhi". He also used to make me sit in his lap in the auto rickshaw while going to school every day.

One incident that I clearly remember and which changed my mindset completely was- I was given a home work to draw a diagram of food chain. It was too hard for me to draw those snake, frog and eagle so I asked my mother to do the same for me. She drew it but I didn't like her drawing and without thinking even once I erased it. I asked her to draw it again but she was too angry to do it again. I asked my father to intervene but it was of no use. I cried a lot and then slept. When I got up, I saw a beautiful food chain in my copy. I knew that she will make it but then my father told that my brother had drawn it in the night. I felt so thankful and decided never to fight with him. This was the  beginning of our strong bond.

Then we started a business. We had a lot of comics so we decided to rent them and earn money from it. We took a rickety table from the store, placed all our comics on it beautifully and made it our shop. My brother managed accounts and I showed comics to the customers. Surprisingly, we had customers. After its success, we decided to write our own comic. We named it " Amanisha ka raaz", actually amanisha is a waterspout near our house where we used to play. We made it a mysterious story and added amazing graphics to it. 

As we grew up together, our friendship blossomed. A sibling is our first friend, we discover every thing together. We know each other more than anybody else. This relationship is the most beautiful among all the relationships.