Monday 22 June 2015

Don't judge before knowing

In my life, I have come across two sets of people. The first set of people are the ones who uses parameters to classify an individual and the other set, quite obviously, who don't.
May be, I analyse people's behaviour more than anyone else does, but my habit has an incident behind.

When I was in class 5, I used to sit with a girl. We both used to enjoy each other's company. One day, she asked me whether I was middle class or upper class. I was completely blank on her question , possibly because it was the first time that I came across these words. Without me replying something, she elaborated that upper class people own a two storey house and a luxury car whereas middle class don't have these. I began thinking whether I satisfy the criteria. Our house was single storeyed but we had two rooms built on the terrace and a car was given to my father for official purpose which puzzled me. I don't remember what answer I gave to her but after some days she told I was middle-class and was not made a part of their "upper class group". It is not something I regret but as a result of it, I hate people who try to show off their money power in front of me. 

All this flash backed when I was talking to a little boy of class 3 who after a brief hello, jumped to a question on how many and which car do I have? After my reply, he began specifying his numerous luxurious cars proudly. I don't know whether I was shocked or annoyed but it made me sure about some people who are extremely proud of what they have. Their ideology is only based on being supreme and quashing sentiments of others. The intent of the little child cannot be questioned but the real worry is that the kid is being articulated the supremacy of having luxuries in life and such a perception will proliferate as he will grow up. 

But it is quite obvious that a person who has got everything he wants from birth cannot understand their importance. Had that child belonged to a family where he had to travel in local buses, he would have never asked such a question.

Talking about the second set of people, my favourite example is my friend's maternal aunt. One day while me and my friend were returning from college, my friend had to deliver her sister's wedding card to her aunt whose house was nearby our college. So I went with her. I was feeling a little uneasy but her aunt welcomed me so nicely that my uneasiness disappeared in one go. Apart from discussing about the wedding and their family issues, she asked about me, my family and our friendship. Then, her kids came who also spoke to me with a will to make friends with me. My heart was filled with delight upon knowing that some people exist who don't use parameters to judge you and remains willing to enjoy your company.

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